
ManashanthiChikitsa meaning mental peace treatment or anti-stress treatment relieves the ill-effects that come from the burden of mental strain-stress, insomnia, lack of concentration, fatigue, and headaches. This helps in improving your mental health. The 3 stages in the treatment are Poorvakarma- preparatory phase, Shodhana – cleansing phase and Samana = corrective and rejuvenation phase.

During poorvakarma, the body is prepared for removing toxins through Snehanam- internal and external oleation, followed by Swedanam -therapeutic sweating. Once the body is prepared, the doctor will determine the panchakarma treatment based on each individual’s physical condition. This treatment ensures that the imbalances in the dosha are stabilized. The third and final stage of treatment is Samana or Paschatkarma. At this stage, the body is slowly brought out of the intense cleansing stage by giving medicines and moderate treatments, appropriate diet, and yoga asanas to correct and rejuvenate the body.

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