Hydration and Ayurvedic Dinacharya: Natural Remedies for Constipation

In the Ayurvedic concept, constipation is termed as Malavashtambha, which arises due to vibandh (blockage). Smooth and natural defecation reflects good health and vitality in an individual. They facilitate the elimination of waste materials and toxins from the body. The concept of Agni (digestive fire) plays a central role in this process, representing the transformative and metabolic functions involved in the digestion and assimilation of food. Most individuals consider this condition negligible in the initial phase, but once its severity increases, it must be treated properly.

All ages are affected by the issue of constipation. It can be either children or grown-ups but the Ayurveda concept is likely to claim that women and children are more prone to this condition due to lifestyle factors. Women are more prone to restrictive diets, pelvic floor issues, and hormonal changes. In children, it seems more likely due to low fibre intake and excessive junk food consumption leading to irregular bowel movements.

The method of defecation is a natural and smooth functioning of intestinal elimination and digestion. The process is disrupted by factors such as lifestyle, poor eating habits, and hormonal changes. This suppression can lead to complications like fissures, piles, and chronic constipation.

Constipation is a common issue influenced by lifestyle, dietary habits, and psychological factors. Addressing these root causes through mindful eating, regular exercise, and timely bowel habits can help maintain digestive health and prevent complications.



During defecation, the individual may feel the urge to pass stool but experience difficulty due to harder stools, often caused by delayed excavation.

Strained bowel movements and pressures can cause rectal pains resulting conditions such as fissures (swelling around the border lining of anus).

Abdominal and pelvic issues can cause pain, bloating, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. The severing of the condition also involves bleeding in the abdominal regions, which is concerning.

Sometimes, the feeling or urge for defecation creates an anxiety that affects the physiological gut health of an individual.

Constipation can be short-term as well as long-term, depending on the factors leading to its severity.



Dietary habits: Dry, cold, junk, or processed foods increase the Vata in nutrient composition, resulting in hard stools.

Lack of exercise: An inactive or monotonous lifestyle can weaken the body and muscles, leading to impaired digestion. This can result in undigested food, toxic accumulation, and the formation of harder stools.

Lifestyle choices: Skipping meals and eating at irregular intervals can obstruct the digestion process, hindering bowel movements.

Psychological factors: Ayurveda consistently claims a direct connection with an individual's mindset, which is directly proportional to gut health. Negative thoughts weaken the agni or digestive fire, increase ama, and slow digestion, resulting in harder stools.


Hydration – Ayurvedic Approach

Health tips often make it a point to practice the necessity of drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Water is essential for all functional systems, not just digestion. Hydration plays a vital role in an individual’s health for lubrication, stability, nutrient composition, and structural integrity. Sufficient water intake promotes metabolism and overall stability. During climate change, the body undergoes many changes which can be regulated by drinking more water. Adequate hydration, including water and other liquids, is crucial for maintaining healthy digestion. Constipated patients are advised to consume warm liquids in the morning. Drinking water infused with coriander and ginger is very useful for easy defecation. Similarly, adding cumin, lemon, and turmeric to lukewarm water can significantly promote bowel movements. Moreover, this mixture not only encourages digestion but also boosts immunity.


Ayurvedic dinacharya - Ayurvedic Remedies and Therapies

Daily routines play a crucial role in constipation. A proper rhythm should be maintained in daily habits, such as wake-up and bedtimes. Ayurveda always emphasizes the prioritization of one's efficiency in leading healthy habits. Adopting a systematic lifestyle enhances cyclical bowel movement and promotes timely digestion. Individuals diagnosed with constipation should practice mindful eating habits by avoiding overeating and junk foods. The lifestyle nowadays adapted mostly to either white collar jobs or executive jobs which call for the least physical activities. Daily routines must focus on the importance of physical activity and exercise. Ayurveda focuses on the quote “health is wealth”.


Other related therapy for constipation

  • Basti (enema): It involves the introduction of medicated oil, prepared in specific measurements tailored to the patients. This medicated oil is administered internally and can be used to address constipation.
  • Dietary Improvements: Emphasizing fiber-rich food like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for better bowel movements.



Ayurvedic treatment has a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is the Best Ayurveda hospital in Kerala, specializing in Constipation. We invite you to a serene, natural setting in God's own country, where you can rejuvenate and regain your health and vitality. Rasayana is honoured to provide the best Ayurvedic treatment in Kochi. Our team of expert physicians, staff, therapists, and faculty members ensures that our patients receive the best treatment and services.  Connect with us for more details regarding the consultation for constipation.

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