Ayurvedic rejuvenation centre in kerala


Rejuvenation means 'the restoration of youthfulness'. This treatment aims to refill the body and mind with new positive energy. Rejuvenation Therapy (RasayanaChikitsa) in Ayurveda tones up the skin and strengthens body tissues to facilitate longevity. Rejuvenation not only helps you in looking young but also make you live young and cheerful. Ancient Acharyas of Ayurveda havebeen exploring the hidden secrets of Rejuvenation treatment (Rasayanachikitsa) document them since time immemorial for the benefit of mankind.


This increases the overall resistance of the body. The optimization of the 'Ojas' (primary vitality) and the 'Sattva' (mental clarity) happens during rejuvenation therapy.

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